The embryo of the current exhibition Girona, Temps de Flors must be placed 63 years ago with the organization of the I Concurso Provincial Exhibition of Flowers . It was a contest of flowers and plants and only lasted a weekend. The activity was advertised as a leisure proposal open to individuals and professionals at a time when it was still easy for most people. The postwar years were hard, but gradually the city was trying to recover spaces for leisure and social gathering. The good response and interest from people who visited the 1954 contest that pushed the organizers to go ahead with what later turned out in large international festival of Girona.
The initiative grew year after year, both in terms of space and the involvement of citizens and the social fabric of the city. The first edition was closing the Hall of the City of Girona, but soon became too small and went to the Hall of Parchments Public Library, which occupies the ground floor of the building of the hospice, and th